Pressure toggle
Would it be possible to remember the state of the show pressure lines toggle?
Seems to clear when you switch to a layer that doesn't have the pressure toggle, but changing between Wind and Wind gusts for example keeps it at the state it is at.
Would be great if this was persisted either at browser or user level, or if there was a setting for the default value
There are 2 layers which make the pressure isolines disappear, they are the Radar and the Satellite views. These layers are observations but not forecasts, as are pressure contours.
But I agree that when moving to one of the other layers, it would be nice if they came back too. -
@mikkokaar as @idefix37 explained, pressure lines disappear when you go to the satellite or radar layer. But back from the satellite layer, you will get them again which is not the case from the radar layer
That said would be cool if pressure lines (or even wind animation) were available on observations layers. Could infer where the rain areas are moving and why.
I use windy mostly for the radar. Love all the other stuff but the radar is what usually brings me into the app. Now I usually just sweep back and forth on the slider and let my brain extrapolate from that what's going to happen within the next hour or so. Works very well for avoiding getting wet :-)
But then sometimes to better understand what's happening I do go back and forth between the radar, wind, and satellite layers. The animation takes a while to pick up and the pressure lines give a faster and more overall picture so would be cool not to have to hunt for the toggle every time