Wind direction incorrect
The wind direction is showing the opposite of what it should be, for instance it says South when it’ll the wind is clearly moving North (don’t know how to upload image to this from mobile)
@Ethan-Clatterbaugh there is an issue with Android app. A new release will come soon
To upload a picture on mobile: -
The same problem incorrect wind direction in "windows". -
@Rimvydas777 Can you please try to click on more option in the bottom left corner? You should be able to change this there.
The default setting is Left to right. This means that the wind direction reference is the boat course as if you were sailing from left to right side of your screen. So in the planner diagram it is the “relative true wind” you observe on the boat. (Note it is not the relative wind resulting from the true wind and the boat speed).
As @Ondřej-Šutera said, click More option and choose North up to show a more conventional direction of the wind
However Left to right is an alternative to North up because it shows when your route is heading into the wind or is too close to the wind direction. It shows the angle of the true wind to the boat.