Wave height forecast
My question is about the wave height forecast.
Wave height is defined as the difference between the highest and lowest point in a wave (crest to trough). Although the label in windy says the forecast there is for wave height, everyone I have spoken to, including experienced professionals, has told me the number written there is in reality the wave amplitude, so from the crest to the "middle" of the wave, or the line of a perfectly calm sea - so you would need to multiply that number by 2 to get a more accurate representation of the actual wave height.
Is this correct, can someone please clarify, as I want to be sure about this! -
@kalinmarkov95 said in Wave height forecast:
everyone I have spoken to, including experienced professionals, has told me the number written there is in reality the wave amplitude
No, this statement is wrong. The wave height is ever considered from trough to crest. Besides this is clearly what ECMWF says about its waves model, one of those used by Windy:
https://charts.ecmwf.int/products/medium-wave-period?base_time=202309021200&layer_name=wave_sh10&projection=opencharts_europe&valid_time=202309021200 -
@idefix37 Thank you!