Some General Suggestions
Once in a while, random computational glitches occur in the weather radar and satellite imagery view. In the case of the weather radar, as far as I have observed, this tends to occur in regions with fewer facilities for the same. More often, satellite imagery refuses to load in certain parts of the map, even when the internet works.
Detailed zoomed maps by "" don't work for IP addresses of certain countries, in my case, India. I noticed that only when I used a VPN (which connected to Netherlands), would this global feature work.
So far, I have not found any plugin or feature for AQI, or any such parameter measuring the general, overall air quality as a layer.
Considering the great deal of information that infrared satellite imagery gives us about mesoscale convective systems, it would be great to use it to update and complement weather forecasts more. I find this especially important since I often notice current thunderstorm information given on the thunderstorm layer not match with the actual thunderstorms detected in the satellite imagery.
Hi @meteorologist8, we take radar and satellite images from various sources and it can happen that these source have certain outages or any graphical glitches, caused by certain disturbances. These cannot be affected on our end so please be patient with these issues.
According to the unavailable background map, we don't have any other reports of this situation. Do you still have this issue?
@Ondřej-Šutera, no problem I just wanted to reach out to windy to clear as many confusions or issues. I understand the satellite and radar issue. And yes, I am still facing the issue of not being able to zoom with my normal Indian IP address. Again, it might be an issue to do with the availability of the service in
Additionally, I have been facing a problem loading the premium satellite archive feature. When I had initially purchased the premium subscription a few weeks ago, this was working, but it stopped shortly afterwards. Instead of showing the satellite imagery, it gets stuck on a blank map containing no data except the background map, almost as if it is permanently loading. I’ve tried reloading, signing in, and on different devices, but it is still not getting fixed. Just wanted to take the opportunity to reach out about this as well. -
@meteorologist8 On which device did you test it? Also do you use any VPN or can you test the behavior with VPN?
@Ondřej-Šutera If you are referring to the detailed zoom map, then I have tested it on MacOS Safari as well as iOS Safari and the app. Normally, the detailed zoom does not work, but when I enable VPN (I use ProtonVPN) connecting to the Netherlands or the USA (as they are my only viable options, and I'm assuming this will be the same for many other countries), it works albeit not always instantly. I presume some related parity issue with locations also resulted in windy loading the premium subscription in USD and INR whether I loaded it on the app or browser, and they were different prices.