Error in location of the aim
This is probably due to a major bug with the Android app. The position of the picker does not match with the value displayed in the top banner.
It should be fixed shortly. -
Everytime I read this, I cant get it into my head how such a bug happens, that it is not recognized during testing and quality control, and that it is not fixed yet.
There is virtually every a day new user stopping by and reporting on this bug. Needs to be fixed really quickly...
I don't know why it is so long to launch a new release. But an information note for Android users could have been done by an article or in Status threads. -
Exactly. I do not understand it either. I suspect, they want to bundle several updates in the updated version.
Still I think that this awful location bug needs to be updated as soon as possible and would be enough motivation to release a new version, even if the only change is this bug fix.
Also, I'm still convinced, that Windy should show a popup note to inform Android users about this really ugly bug.