Whats next for Invest 95L?
Hello Windy's Today we will be talking about the Possible Major hurricane Lee in the next upcoming Days
In this picture, I have 2 tracks The PINK track is the East Coast track GFS models are saying. The Green model is the U.S. Coast model the blue circle is the high pressure If the high pressure moves south it could push it more southwords BUT we still dont know yet . -
I believe that the system will just glide along the eastern seaboard, much like Hurricane Franklin except it will not make landfall, one thing I can say for sure is that it will be HIGHLY unlikely to enter the Gulf Of Mexico
You always refer to GFS which is the worst model for predicting the track of tropical cyclones. The European ECMWF model is much better.
Try to use it with the Wind Accumulation layer in Windy which is the forecast of max wind gusts field during several days:And the Hurricane tracker in Windy which gives the predicted track by the NHC and by the ECMWF too (not yet available for TD 13).
Thanks @idefix37