Asking about integrated windy maps to my react
I've one issue with injecting windy to my project, it require project identification, but my project is under development and using localhost instead a domain, so how can I get authorized ?
@Yue-Nisha Hi, you can add the
into this column and it should work there as well. -
Thank you, now it works but I got a new problem !
as you can see the play button is only display half of it, why ?Here the code where I use it:
import React from 'react'; export default function CurrentWeather(){ const options = { key: 'M7pQnMBwZaBGVpdBNtqLe6R2DlxTAcmC', // REPLACE WITH YOUR KEY !!! lat: 50.4, lon: 14.3, zoom: 1, }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef windyInit(options, windyAPI => { const { map } = windyAPI; }); return <div>; } ```</div>
@Yue-Nisha Hi, you probably have some own styles, which probably overwrite something from ours. I would recommend checking these on your end.
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