Sounding Forecast : pls add date&time of forecasted and forecasting
@Filip_K Windy's sounding forecast charts are missing two critical pices of info: (1) forecasted date&time, and (2) forecasting date&time. Without (1), the chart becomes totally unusable as a record. Without (2), you don't know how long before the forecasted time the forecast was made and therefore whether it has assimilated the most up-to-date weather data.
@hangInThere both datetimes are same as on the map. By (2) you probably mean "Reference time" (available under
icon in the lower right corner on desktop. (1) is same as in the timeline on the bottom.
On the phone, the Soundings window completely occludes the timeline, so no way to include the forecast datetime in the screenshot, let alone the reference datetime which has to be brought up from the info popup.On the desktop, the timeline is not occluded by is displayed in the panel to the right along with the active layer (e.g. Wind), but even if you give this panel a width of 7cm the datetime is still occluded by other display items in the layer. What a waste of screenshot real estate just to capture the datetime. And, still the reference time isn't in view. See below. (Here, for radiosonde, of course the reference time is not needed.)
For radiosonde, OTOH, fortunately the datetime is part of the chart title.
It will be good if you just do like for radiosonde, i.e. include the datetimes in the chart title. Shouldn't be more than a 2 minute task.