Different dates for same webcam in V2 and V3 API
When using V2 for webcam 1225880502 the API returns:
"id": "1225880502",
"update": 1696157494 // converted: 2023-10-01 10:51:34However with API V3 it returns:
"webcamId": 1225880502,
"status": "active",
"lastUpdatedOn": "2023-10-01T10:14:23.000Z",Calls were executed at the same time (and return the same image) but return different image dates.
Which is correct? Or has the date field in V3 a different meaning? How to be sure to have the correct image timestamp?
Thank you for clarification.
S Suty moved this topic from Developers on
Hi @Lakehorn, V3 is correct, but there was a little bug in it, which should be fixed right now.
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