What happened to the Windy Active Fires Setting ?
Hi Windy
I see you have made changes to the active fires setting ? The flame has changed to orange dots ? Don't like it, but hey. But the thing that bothers me is that all the fires in Canada have disappeared ?
Is it me that's bugged or the setting ?
Thanks for your site
Best there is on the internet. -
Hi @HomoTelepathicus, in general, we changed the source of data to NASA FIRMS that are considered as much more reliable source right now. Also we filtered these data and display only these that have their level of confidence/certainty set to high for more reliability about showing real active fires.
@Ondřej-Šutera Can I ask, why did you decide to include only High confidence hotspot data? Also why didn't you incorporate USA and Canada Active Fire data?
Would it be more advantageous to include at least all Nominal and High confidence heat signatures but also include the Active Fire data if it is available?
@HomoTelepathicus That's why all of the hotspots in Canada are gone, they are considered "Nominal-confidence".
@Wheats We want to display only certain active fires, since we have information that the nominal level has many false positive cases. However, colleagues are working on adjustments right now.
@Ondřej-Šutera Ok, so showing all the fires may take a bit of time and work then. But in the meantime loads of fires have disappeared off the map in Canada, both in the West and East. For example, the fires that turned New York area orange only a few days ago are nowhere to be seen. Are those not considered 'active' or will they appear in time ?
@HomoTelepathicus At this moment, we are working on adjustments for this layer. We would like to display only active cases but it is difficult to filter them since there is a lot of false positive cases over the rest of the World.
I will keep you posted with updates.
@HomoTelepathicus The product team evaluated this and you can already see better results and better coverage now.
@Ondřej-Šutera That was a great adjustment, I can see more activity in Canada now.
Is there a way to gain access to the USA and Canada Active Fires data FIRMS displays as well?
Just curious - I would completely understand if these data were behind lock and key in some way. -
@Wheats You can access and adjust data from NASA FIRMS on their page, Windy offers only this standard visualization.
@Ondřej-Šutera I meant is there a way for you to incorporate it into Windy.
But alright I can continue to use FIRMS, no problem -
@Wheats At this moment, I don't have any info about this potential improvement but it is possible that this feature will be added in the future.
@Ondřej-Šutera Well, you guys may be happy with the new NASA FIRMS but there are areas in the World where you can now hardly see which country is under the fires ? You really think this is better than what you had ? It's unusable, just creates orange blobs all over the World.
@HomoTelepathicus Hi, if you zoom this in, you can see more info about the location and you still can turn this feature off if you want to check anything else.
@Ondřej-Šutera You are missing the point. But forget my complaints. I see you have started doing more areas like Canada now. Happy to see the progress. Will exercise patience. I use the Active Fires feature constantly. Resistance to change.
I can't find the "live" fires points on the map. Just the risk of fire.
Is it not available anymore?
Tks -
It's in this list of layers:
@Wheats nice! tks!