synoptic composit
I would like to have a layer with a synoptic composit comparable to e.g. kachelmann ( )
preferable containing isobars and 500 hPa Isohypsis, 850 hPa Theta Ae as coloured surfaces. THere is no app yet, providing this data for PC and mobile phone and providing it in a zoomable manner. -
You can bookmark to get it on PC.
But it is not 850hPa Equivalent Potential temperature (Theta E). -
@idefix37 I get the type of Map, I want for example at Kachelmannwetter, as mentioned above. Or different other providers. But I would prefer, having this composite in windy with its good usability. Zoom, fast switching of models and especially the usability on mobile device. There is no weather app yet, offering that charts.
The aim of my post was mainly to dev windy team. To say that this type of map is directly shown by ECMWF.
Personally I would like to have the Geopotential heights displayed also as a color shaded layer. Not only as isolines. But I haven't been able to get it for many years. -
@idefix37 I have seen different variants of this composit. I prefer the Kachelmann-Version with Isolines for geopotential and pressure (black and white) and coloured areas for Theta Ae, but I have also seen the same thing with geopotential difference 500 hpa-1000 hpa as the coloured areas.
Prefer Theta Ae since it is more sensitive to humidity.