Accumulated precipitations ECMWF 5 days>10 days
Sometimes accumulated maps that cover 5 days indicates more precipitations than in 10 days: 1 & 2 screenshot, most difference in Rosario.
3 & 4 screenshot - there are only rains occurrence in 10 days. There are no difference if change view to hours forecast if I switch view from 5 or 10 days accum. Moreover, the sum of hours forecast is 17.4 mm, lower than in 5 or 10 days forecast. -
@Khaustov Hi, I am sorry but I don't understand where I should see the issue exactly. Can you please clearly explain it?
I can't help myself lol - my interpretation of this question...Why does the the value under "Rosario" say 19.4 for the Next 5 days rain accumulation and the value for "Rosario" say 18 for the Next 10 days? Shouldn't the value for 10 days of accumulation be higher or the same as the value for 5 days of accumulation?
@Khaustov Please correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation above.
Also, did you add up all the numbers in the forecast panel for all 5 days? because what you show there isn't 5 days worth of precipitation. -
I have noted that sometime there is 0.1mm for 10 days less compared to the 5 days accumulation, but not 1mm.
The question is whether Windy accumulate the precipitation predicted for each hours. Or, I rather think that the rain accumulation is directly provided by the weather model.
In this case it probably can’t be arithmetically precise ?
More questions that explanation. -
@Wheats I am sorry about that, I completely missed these numbers and tried to search for something else. I will discuss it with colleagues and let you know.
@Wheats Hi, You interpreted the message correctly.
Answering question - I summed up all 5 days, but it was not difficult - for the selected location, the forecast had rains only in a small time period that fit into the screenshot. On all other days outside the screenshot, the hourly forecast showed 0 mm.
In previous post I don't specify issue correctly, but now I see that @Wheats get it right. Today I see the same kind of differences if accums 5/10 days. But also I want to point out an hourly forecast issue too. So I record a short explanation video. My language is far from good, but I hope it makes my question more clear.
@Khaustov Our colleagues already found the cause and they are working on the fix. I hope it will be handled as soon as possible.
@Ondřej-Šutera Thank you!
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love your website and feedback service. -
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