wrong temps on route forecast
It does this on both routes I'm trying to forecast. The wind looks wrong too but the temperature makes it obvious.
Google has forced me to switch to the adblock browser with their pervasive tracking, spam emails (for sites I visited but NEVER gave my address to) and garbage ads on youtube, but I do pause the ad blocker on windy.com.
What do you want to demonstrate ? You show 3 screenshots corresponding to the map forecast at 3 different times. What does this show?
If the wind seems wrong in the forecast table, it is probably because you have not specify the reference direction to North up in the optional settings (the 3 dots at bottom right corner).
“…. but the temperature makes it obvious”. What does it mean ?
By the way, you have set a speed of 15 mph, but you have not turn it ON.
Try the Route planner on a more simple track than your example with 42 waypoints.
@idefix37 Does it really seem plausible to you that a bike ride lasting several hours is going to have the same temperature for the entire ride, but that temerature will depend on what time I leave?
so if I leave at 7 am it will be in the low 40's all morning, but if I leave at 8 am or 9 am it will be in the low 50's all morning. If I'd rather spend my entire ride in 65 degree weather all I have to do, according to Windy, is leave at 10 am.
That's total BS. The temperture is going to be steadily rising all morning, no matter what temperature it is when I leave.
Considering the temperature forecast is bogus I'm very hesitant to trust the wind forecast or any other data from this site.
These are gpx routes uploaded from my bike computer.
You should understand that the Route planner is based on the ECMWF which has a 9km resolution (5.6 Mi). And like all weather models it has a coarse altitude resolution. So you can’t get a very detailed and precise temperature forecast in mountain. With the Route planner or even at a location.
This tool is very useful, but probably not for a morning trip in mountain with bicycle.
Again, as you did not turn ON the speed, temperature is not shown along the route. -
@idefix37 I turned the speed thing on and now it seems to be more accurate. The gpx files list my exact coordinates once per second for the duration of the ride. I don't know why windy is ignoring that data and forcing me to set a constant speed.
Also, scrolling the timeline to the side to change the start date doesn't work well. If I only change it forward or back by one or two hours the graph isn't re-drawn. I have to scroll pretty far, like to the next day, and then back to the time I want to see the graph for.
Maybe the app works better?
(PS: Despite being in Colorado I'm actually on the edge of the great plains. My apartment is a mile from the Nebraska border.)