lapse rate in sounding graphs
i'm looking at yt videos describing skew-t graphs (eg.
) and it describes using the lapse rate v temperature to visualize the CAPE. I know windy has a cape index, but is it possible to use the sounding graph to see the lapse rate? is the lapse rate the green line here?and since i'm here, what's the black line that goes from -10c to to 4c?
Yeah, I have the same question however I think the black line is the mixing ratio.
If you haven't already I was watching this video and I found it quite useful.
@Se7en40 @W-B-7
What you are doing here is lifting a parcel of air vertically from the surface, aloft into the higher portions of the atmosphere.- Take your temperature (red) at the surface and lift it dry adiabatically (dry adiabatic lapse rate line is the solid line moving from bottom right upwards to the left) - "lift it" means draw parallel to this line
- Take your dew point temperature (blue) at the surface and lift it using the mixing ratio (dotted line moving from bottom left upwards to the right)
- once those two lines meet - this is your LCL (Lifting Condensation Level)
- you've lifted a dry parcel of air to the point where temperature and dewpoint are equal, this is where condensation can begin.
- now you continue lifting along the moist (saturated, wet) adiabatic lapse rate line, because your parcel of air is now saturated
- the area between this line and the temperature profile line is either CAPE or CIN - depending on which side of the line you are on.
The green line IS your lifted parcel's lapse rate as it moves from the surface to higher into the atmosphere.
Hope that makes sense and is helpful!
@Se7en40 this was an awesome and incredibly video, thanks! it's one of those videos i'm going to have to re-watch every so often to refresh.
the skew-t diagrams make a lot more sense now. I only wish the windy folks could add something like this to their documentation (or if it already is there, make it more easily discoverable .. ? I went digging and couldn't find anything, hence this question).
thanks again!