Forecast Scroll Doesn't align with Day of Week Scroll
Steps to reproduce:
Android app version 39.3.2
Hourly weather on
Location forecast opened
Meteogram displayed
Forecast model ECMWF
Scroll right to open 10 days forecast
Scrolling back causes the current view day of week indicator along the top of the forecast window to not align with the actual forecast view.Screenshot shows Saturday morning forecast view, but red oval along the top thinks it's showing Monday evening. Perhaps the top indicator isn't scaling properly to the varying forecast interval? I.e. screenshot forecast is hourly Wed through Sat, then 3 hours Sun-Mon, then 6 hours Tue-Fri, but the indicator scrolls at the same speed through each day.
Edit: it appears that the red indicator is showing in the proper spot (wind velocity scale lines up with forecast), but the days of the week can't condense enough so it looks like the day is off. Perhaps changing the day of week to only the first letter or rotating the text for >7 days forecast would help?
@Rkfitz053 You are right, there is an issue in the mobile interface with this inaccuracy. I will report this to colleagues and it will hopefully be fixed in the next version.
@Rkfitz053 I see the same curiously if I switch to 3 hour fcast interval it lines up again but on switching back to 1 hour interval the problem reappears