Missing Weather radar data over the southwest coast of Ireland
Hi, not sure this issues goes here.
There's been some long-standing disruptions to one of the primary weather radar stations here in Ireland. Because of this we have for a long while not had consistent radar imagery in the most southwestern parts of Ireland.
The Shannon weather radar (which provide imagery of this area) was recently replaced after years of unreliable service but should now provide good and reliable radar data. This data can be seen on: https://www.met.ie/full-screen-maps
I think the lack of data collected over the southwest regions of Ireland began to affect the weather radar layer in Windy a few months ago and now this area appears with the "no data" label here in Windy (see attached image).
Since the weather radar is now operational and hopefully more consistent, I suggest making this data as part of the weather radar layer here in Windy again.
Thanks a mill for keeping the great work going. It has transformed how I see the planet.