smooth scrolling experience lost on iPad
a few updates ago, I lost he ability to have a smooth scrolling experience on my iPad.
in order for the map to update, I need to stop the scrolling.
i was a great feature to have a movie like animation by scrlling back and forth, which now can barely be emulated by stoping the scrolling every fraction of a second.
strangely, the isobar curves do update smoothly during scrolling.could we please get back the previous smooth scrolling experience?
@gael-reinaudi Hi, which animation and layer do you mean exactly?
all layers I use stay frozen (except isobars) when scrolling the timeline.
it used to be that the map would display beautifully intuitive animation during the scrolling.
but i use cloud base, wind, wind gusts, clouds and visibility.
now scrolling left and right just shows nothing moving new until I stop on a time.i run the app on an ipad pro 11” 2nd gen
thank you.
any solution in sight here?
in the mean time, I am cancelling my subscription.
I’ll turn it back on when I can scroll smoothly into animation again.
thanks -
@gael-reinaudi Hi, can you please provide further details of what you mean exactly, I checked the behavior of timeline moving and it seems okay to me.
on my iPad pro 11”,
when I scroll the timeline, clouds don’t move smoothly like ananimation of the predictions at all the given times I scroll through…
…until i stop scrolling, at which point the clouds layer updates to the time I stopped a computer web browser, it works as expected. scrolling the time line makes beautiful animation of the cloud layers
i am houng to re#install the app to see if that brings back this invaluable detail
@gael-reinaudi Hi, I think this change is related to unification of mobile UI on all touch devices. I will discuss this with colleagues for more details and keep you posted.
thank you for this.
what it feels like is that the map of each time step used to be cached in memory which allowed them to be displayed very efficiently during a time scroll.
it feel like this caching is gone and instead it redownloads the data for a given time once paused on that time for a fraction of a second.
looking in forward to hearing about this -
is there any news about this?
meanwhile, I think I found the "next Windy", much cheaper and smooth animations:, let me know if Windy intends to bring back smooth layer animation while scrolling in iOS.
@gael-reinaudi I could be wrong but I think Windy came out first. Also Windy has many more options than Ventusky. I've attempted to use both and I usually end up going back to Windy - despite recent UI changes with the Windy mobile work around is to just not use the v39 app.
The main reason I go back to Windy is because they've made it so easy to find out where the data is coming from. For example, I can bring up the forecast panel on Windy, change to whatever model I want and it'll change the forecast panel to reflect the model output I've selected...Ventusky doesn't do that, it gives me some unknown forecast data with no indication of what model. I change the model output for the map layers and nothing changes on the location specific forecast screen. Frustrating from my perspective.
Ventusky has last years model data, which is awesome.
Ventusky also has the relatively new NBM - which is one of the first blended model outputs - which is theoretically the future of weather guidance products (blended models).I have also noticed performance downgrades with Windy since v39 came out...both on the app I no longer use and the website.
Hi, note that Meteoblue in Windy is also a blended model. It performs very well at point forecasts. -
@idefix37 Is it an ensemble of multi-scale models and it decides what's best for your particular point of interest? or is it actually blending multiple model outputs into one output?
thanks for the input
it looks like they have a bunch of models too actually
they are very young and I expect them to create more layers too.
they are also an order of magnitude cheaper.
See some explanations here:
It uses the average of several models but this average is weighted by local factors.
So it is a blended model.
You can check in your area which are the models use for the consensus average:
Meteoblue is particularly effective in predicting the temperature in the mountains. It includes an adjustment on the elevation of the location while other models provide the parameter by interpolating the values at the grid points. The grid and the orography model are very coarse which prevents providing a precise temperature.
This is just one example where Meteoblue is pretty good. -
The Windy forum is not a place to promote a competing application. You can use any app you want, but you are asked to focus on Windy here. -
@gael-reinaudi According to the issue with scrolling, we probably won't change this behavior in upcoming days or weeks. I forwarded it to colleagues, but it is not a bug and if it is possible to change this it has a low priority now to be completely honest.
@Ondřej-Šutera can you clarify?
Scrolling through time provides smooth animation pre-v39.
Now (post-v39), scrolling through time provides jumpy, laggy animations and the only way to have them update is to stop scrolling through time..... and this is NOT a concern?I beg to differ....I'm sorry but again, your mobile app was smooth, intuitive, pretty, and now it is not...and it saddens me that it is not a priority to fix the user experience.
@Wheats Do you mean version before 39 for which device? Android/iOS, mobile/tablet? I am sorry for probably asking again in your case, but I want to be sure before any other message.
Not a problem, my devices are android phones and PC's running Windows.pre v39 regarding the iPad - I assume it would have been better because they were using the website.
So I confess I am just assuming it's worse now on apple devices as well - given my personal experience with the android versions of app, the website, as well as information other users have posted on the forum regarding pre and post v39.