StandBy iOS widgets are missing after last update of Windy
Windy widgets for iOS StandBy mode completely disappeared after last update of Windy. Is it normal? Windy section is completely missing now.
@Ondřej-Šutera Now my phone is on latest version of iOS (17.0.3) and I have Windy 40.419 installed on my iPhone 15 Pro.
@LenYcz Could you please try to restart your device and check if the issue persists?
@Ondřej-Šutera Strange. Restart didnt helped. So I tried if widgets are missing on Home Screen too. Widgets for Home Screen were available for adding without any issue. So I returned back into StandBy mode and widgets are now visible without any issue for StandBy too. Problem solved. Thanks. :)
@LenYcz Thank you for letting us know. We know about this issue on the end of iOS, we hoped they already solved it, but it looks like it still persists in some cases. However, thank you for confirmation that the issue is gone on your end.
@Ondřej-Šutera iOS 17.1 will be most probably released tonight. Fingers crossed for fixing this.