Weather Radar not displayed over Vietnam???
Hello, since yesterday night , weather radar display over Vietnam didnt work properly. Can you provdide information???
Brgds -
Hi @Bằng-Phạm-hải, there is a complete outage of Vietnamese radar provider. We are trying to get further info, but we probably need to be patient with them.
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It's nearly 48 hours, and the weather radar is still unavilable.
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Hi @Bằng-Phạm-hải and @B777300ANA, our source of radar data (AMO) has gone down at around 20:20 UTC 30.10. and since then, we have no radar data for Vietnam.
Does their page ( work for you? Or do you know of any other source of radar data for Vietnam?
Thanks -
@Filip_K Hi.
I just contacted to the website owner 10 minites before. They said that maybe some problem from their server and will check it. -
Updated! It's on working now.
Hi @Le-Quan-0. Yes, that is correct. We were pointed to the right direction regarding other radar data source for Vietnam