throttled (exceeding number of requests allowed for "basic"
Hello, looks like we are being throttled (exceeding number of requests allowed for "basic" plan. We keep getting an error:
NetworkUtility.shouldRetryException: Unexpected response code 429 for,20.6488037109375,44.58948919368969,20.27801513671875,11?show=webcams:map,location,image,timelapseThere seem to be error responses from
As per the logs in[2023-10-27 00:24:06,115] WARNING in webcams: unable to get webcams. Max retries exceeded. to get webcams. Max retries exceeded.
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,0?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"Too many requests"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,0?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"Too many requests"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,0?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"Too many requests"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,0?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"Too many requests"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,0?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"Too many requests"}
[2023-10-28 00:00:03,728] WARNING in webcams: unable to get webcams. Max retries exceeded. to get webcams. Max retries exceeded.
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,44850?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"You have exceeded the rate limit per hour for your plan, BASIC, by the API provider"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,44850?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"You have exceeded the rate limit per hour for your plan, BASIC, by the API provider"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,44850?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"You have exceeded the rate limit per hour for your plan, BASIC, by the API provider"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,44850?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"You have exceeded the rate limit per hour for your plan, BASIC, by the API provider"}
WARNING:root:RapidapiClientError - GET,44850?show=webcams:basic,image,location,category,timelapse,statistics - Response: {"message":"You have exceeded the rate limit per hour for your plan, BASIC, by the API provider"}
[2023-10-29 00:28:31,902] WARNING in webcams: unable to get webcams. Max retries -
The webcams in our Morecast app aren't working anymore.
Was there a change in your policy?
Is there something we can do to prevent this error?
@Nicholle-Boniekerian Hi, I discussed this with our team and this is the issue on the end of Rapid API. Now, the best way how to fix this on your end is to switch directly to our new API v3 (documentation here) since we want to end the possibility use our API via them.
@Ondřej-Šutera Thank you. I think we will
need a new access key / token. Could you please generate us a new one so we can access the new api? -
@Nicholle-Boniekerian Hi, you can create your own here.