Apple CarPlay
@Suty It would be absolutely interesting for all drivers to avoid severe weather and hail! Mainly the Radar layer
@Diessegi Unfortunately, at this moment, we have stopped this activity, since technological limitations of this implementation.
The biggest obstacle is from Apple and the fact that they do not allow weather applications for Apple Car play. So even if we developed an application, Apple would not allow us to add it to the store. It's sad, so we hope that with the arrival of Car play 2, such applications will be allowed.
F Filip_K referenced this topic on
@SimonUrbanek Not true really. I have the radar weather app working fine on my Apple CarPlay. So it’s not a limitation from Apple.
@r1666a may I ask you the app name?
The app Weather on my way also works fine on CarPlay. So it seems there's no restriction from Apple.
@Robenroute May I ask which weather app? Do you talk about the default app from Apple?
@Suty I am not a professional driver, but would very much appreciate this. Having overlays for snow and precipitation in particular.
@Filip_K yes, it is, I have mMRadar working with CarPlay. Would vastly prefer Windy especially if I could choose the models
@Suty The app is called "Weather on the way".