Middle East Weather Radar
Currently, the Windy weather radar shows a couple of locations in KSA, Qatar, Bahrain and there is nothing for the rest.
We need data for the whole middle eastern region rather than a bunch of areas in specific countries to provide better data for middle eastern users.
If there no weather radars network covering all Middle East area, but only some in few locations, you think that Windy can go there and install weather radar devices? -
What do you mean by weather network? Like one data provider for the whole region?
For example, https://www.yanbuweather.com/pages/RainRadar/compradar.php
This website provides a radar for all of Saudia Arabia
For UAE there is the official website,
https://www.rain.ae/radars/uae -
When I talk about a weather radar installations network, I mean that the region must be covered by radar installations over the whole area, like the weather radar network in France as example.If there are radars in UAE, that does not cover the whole Middle East. But they probably could be added to Windy if the data is open source.
And l must add that you can see some weather apps showing weather radar layer all over the world. This is not real radar data because it is sure there is no radar installations over the oceans. They just use rain forecast data and post process it as a radar-like layer.
I understand now, thank you for the clear and precise explanation.
Hi @vvc. We are trying to get better radar data/coverage for whole world, including Middle East. Unfortunately, radar data from Middle East are rarely easy to get.
For Saudi Arabia, currently our only provider is RainViewer. yanbuweather.com you mention in your previous post looks like it could be used as well, I'll look into it, thank you.
For UAE, the situation is most complicated. I was in contact with them a while ago and they are very unwilling to provide the data in any form. If you know if any way we could be provided with the data, we'll gladly incorporate it.
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