Dangerous levels of CO Detected
Hi just browsing the different filters and saw CO concentrations. Came across this hot spot reading dangerous levels of CO (1900 ppbv) in an otherwise uninhabited part of BC. There is a highway running through here but I checked traffic reports and looks like there are no back ups/traffic jams reported. Area crosses from Hope, BC to Quilchena, BC. I took a screenshot but not sure how to attached to the report
To attach a screenshot
This high CO content area is due to wildfires in BC. Note that this high concentration of CO detected by satellite is not at ground level but at high levels. The concentration forecast of CO is provided by the NASA:
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps/MOP_CO_MYesterday it was obvious that these fires were the cause when selecting Active Fires. To day it seems that they have subsided. But ground-based Air quality stations in the region now show a high concentration of PM 2.5.