Windy App for Android TV Box
Dear all.
I have a subscription for Windy. Works fine!, Thank You.
But, I have the following wish:
Since the beginning of Linux, I am a Linux user, and also naturally a Windows user. But time goes by, and now I am 66 years old. My eyesight is not so good, normal, according to the age. The thing is, that smartphones and tablets are not so comfortable, as a desktop pc is.But I discovered, and I can recommend to all, that you can expand easily a Android TV Box, to be a usable Android PC, with a big screen, keyboard and mouse. Nowadays, you can get a 8 core, 8 gb ram, 64 gb disk space Android TV Box, for only 130 US, Rockchip 3588.
So, I would be thankfull, for a straight Windy App for the Android TV Box.
Thanks Cris from Chile.
@Cristian-Lodtmann Thank you Cris for useful suggestion, to be honest, we are not planning to support this type of app in upcoming months, but it could be possible in the future.