"Offset is over free API tier limit 10000!"
Hello Windy!
We are getting an HTTP 400 Bad Request when querying the Webcams V3 API with this response:{ "message": "Offset is over free API tier limit 10000!", "error": "Bad Request", "statusCode": 400 }
We are a paying customer, and sending the X-WINDY-API-KEY header, as described in the API docs, with the API-key provided at the "Manage your API keys" page. So why are we cut off at 10000? The V2 API does not complain...
Hello @yrprosjektgruppe, yes, this limit was introduced in v3. The reason was the excessive usage of the related endpoint in a wrong way (basically scraping whole webcams database like that).
For paying customers, there is actually better way to do that via https://api.windy.com/webcams/api/v3/docs#/Webcams API V3/ExportController_getAllWebcams endpoint. -
@kekert We were not aware of the the offset limit of 10000 for professional API tier. We have just followed the migration guide for V2 to V3.
The response is not correct then ("Offset is over free API tier limit 10000!"). Anyway, the all-webcams endpoint sounded very promising, but after looking at the documentation, it's missing some, for us, essential data, like city and urls with detail, edit, and provider. If you guys can add this to the response, we'd be more than happy to just use this endpoint, or add the option to use query parameters to get the data we want. Then it will be sufficient for us to make only one query against the API per day. As it stands now, and I've understood the API correctly, we need to query webcams/{webcamId} endpoint for each camera we get from all-webcams, which means around 65,000 queries, to get all the information we need. I don't think this is a better way. Do you have any suggestions?-Tommy