Compass shown on map
Would you be able to either show the compass instead of arrows ie: nw or sw or ene etc or place a compass itself on the map?
Love the app but keep getting confused re direction wind is from. South island NewZealandis capale of regular 100 to150 kph winds and living traveling in a caravan it is important to park in protection from those winds?
Sorry but at 65 confusing just the arrows alone.
Thanks. -
That´s the wind layer with highligted gusts. ⬆⛓🪝🪢 Btw. It may be fine to have some options to fix the caravan with ropes or anchors.
Do you use Windy on desktop or mobile?
Probably on mobile if you are in a caravan.
Turn the top of your screen towards the north direction.
If the screen is oriented correctly, the arrows indicate the direction toward the wind is blowing. So you can easily deduce where it is blowing from. -
This is providing you are aware of the north orientation?
Of course, and there are so many app giving a compas on mobiles.