Snow Line (MASL)
I not found snow line in windy, the only "similar" is freezing altitude wich means the altitude on the aire is =< 0c.
This freezing is "usefull" for view the snow line, but is not as precise that snow line (MASL) which calculates the snow line by other parameters (freez alt, precipitation, precipitation intensity, humidity...).
Could you add this map to windy? I show an example for Meteologix, using ECMWF model.
That would be a great parameter to have. Even though Windy already has a lot, they still lag a little behind on others. A feels like temp, wet bulb globe temp, severe weather parameters like cape, cin, wind shear, vertical precip, reflectivity, and more, and snow line like you said. I also would like freezing rain, sleet, ice pellet accumulation parameters as well as snow ratios using the kuchera formula.