Local Windy API plugin init
Hello everyone!
Tell me please how can i use plugins in my local angular app which uses windy and windy api?
I suggest that plugins are only used in official website as npm package that you approve?
Help please, thanks! -
@Danil-Utiuzh If you want to use Windy plugins, available in our app, in API, it is not possible.
@Ondřej-Šutera so, in my local windy app, i cannot use plugins such as left-window, etc.?
@Danil-Utiuzh If you mean these plugins, then no.
@Ondřej-Šutera thanks for your answer
just i'm blocked now with my work, i'd like to know one more thing
your gh repo windy-plugins, there is left menu plugin, can i use it in my local windy app?
i'd like to get functionality of your demo page to my needs
can i use plugins from gh repo?
if yes, how?
thanks for your answering, appreciate -
@Ondřej-Šutera here's example
i have this local app, and i marked all tools that i need
here's screenshot of your app, marked also tools that i need
can i get them somehow in my local app? -
@Danil-Utiuzh Our Map API shouldn't be completely same as our app, since its purpose is to be used in an app with different purpose as a background basically.
@Ondřej-Šutera thanks for clearing
can you tell please how can i get data for example for bottom forecast table?
can i get this data from your api?
@Danil-Utiuzh Please check this documentation.