Hourly forecast doesn't work after restart
When I restart the browser roads all the current tabs including Windy. If I have hourly forecast set before the restart, this is shown as still set when the page is loaded - but 3-hourly forecasts are shown.
- I change to 3-hourly and back to hourly: no change, just 3-hourly forecasts are shown.
- I leave the setting hourly and reload the page. Behaves as before with just 3-hourly shown no matter what the setting.
- I change the setting to 3-hourly and reload. Then I change to hourly and hourly forecasts are shown correctly.
Windows 11 browser (Vivaldi latest)
@chis Hi, please turn this on and it will remember your last setup: Snímek obrazovky 2023-12-28 v 12.37.28
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