Trajectory Plug In error
Trajectory Plug in has gained an error(s) and doesn't function, happens with both Firefox and Chrome
"errorID": "script-error",
"timestamp": 1703666451244,
"runningMs": 60274,
"type": "error",
"msg": "Script error.",
"line": 0,
"col": 0,
"url": ",7.943,10",
"script": "windy-plugin-traj",
"ver": "41.0.4",
"target": "index",
"platform": "desktop",
"error": " undefined (unable to serialize object: can't convert undefined to object)",
"isOnline": true,
"size": "1680x1050",
"latestBcast": "bcast: rqstOpen picker (723ms ago at 1703666450521)
picker: pickerOpened (655ms ago at 1703666450589)
bcast: pluginOpened picker (605ms ago at 1703666450639)
store: pickerLocation (489ms ago at 1703666450755)
store: level 800h (91ms ago at 1703666451153)"
"errorID": "failed-to-call-timestamp-with-data-1703666394097null-wp",
"timestamp": 1703666460050,
"runningMs": 69080,
"type": "user",
"module": "Evented",
"msg": "Failed to call timestamp with data [1703666394097,null]: W.products[e].calendar.interTimestamps is undefined",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": ",44.616,7.943,10,m:eTwagop",
"script": null,
"ver": "41.0.4",
"target": "index",
"stack": "ee@
O/ {
"fileName": "",
"lineNumber": 1,
"columnNumber": 47266,
"message": "W.products[e].calendar.interTimestamps is undefined"
"isOnline": true,
"size": "1680x1050",
"latestBcast": "store: pickerLocation (8212ms ago at 1703666451838)
store: visibility (2922ms ago at 1703666457128)
store: visibility (13ms ago at 1703666460037)
render: rendered particles (12ms ago at 1703666460038)
store: timestamp (1ms ago at 1703666460049)"
} -
It is due to the recent version update. Try now