Global Warming Effects
Hi all. My name is Paul and I live in Sydney, Australia. I have lived in Sydney since 1979. Before that, I was born in Hobart, Tasmania. Went to school and joined the Royal Australian Navy from Launceston. When first arriving in Sydney I loved the weather. After the cold of Tasmania, Sydney had the comfortable heat of the day with an Easterly that blew in around 4 pm daily. Perfect weather. But over the years I have noticed all that has changed. Our summer this year was a mixture of four or five days of tropical rain and temps in the low 20s. Then when the sun came out it was hot, some days getting up to around 40c. Luckily we had the regular thunderstorms with rain to cool it down if it got too hot. So I have watched the weather change in the last few years to be nothing like it was when I first moved here. We are also having periods of heat that cause terrible bushfires. And not 100 kilometers away townships are being flooded. All at the same time. Very strange indeed.