Slope of Environmental Lapse Rate on Sounding
Hello! I love windy for checking paragliding forecasts. An important metric for paragliding is the slope of the environmental lapse rate.
For example, 0.3-0.5C/100m is modest convection and 0.6-0.8C/100m is good thermals.Currently on windy we can look at the Environmental lapse rate on the sounding graph, but it would be nice if we had the option to look at the slope as a function of altitude so that we can better forecast thermic days.
Or even a single point of the slope on the sounding graph that we could move around would be useful.
I agree, that would be really helpful to have a plot that's basically the derivative of the environmental lapse rate. It could be an option on the sounding forecast to switch between the environmental lapse rate forecast and the derivative of that chart, showing degC/km for example.