Meaning of symbols...
I get the particles and the snow and rain, electrical storms...
BUT what are the exclamation points?
A bunch of snowflakes (*****) with several rows of !!!!! in the mix confuses me.
What do they mean? I've never seen them before.Seems like there is no list of the symbols and what they indicate.
I admit my use of this app is limited to a basic understanding or how the weather flows, but (!!!!!!!) doesn't have a definition that I can find. -
Exclamation marks mean freezing rain.
@idefix37 Thank you for the answer about the exclamation marks. I have been wondering what these mean. With that said I am now seeing little round circles on the maps and are unsure what they are. It would be great if there was some sort of key for all of these symbols, but I am having a hard time finding one. Is there a key somewhere?
@livtiger maybe Ice Pellets? this explains some of the layers and what they provide.I agree - there should be a legend of sorts on Windy's symbology.
@idefix37 Sorry for the delay. Attached is another screen cap from the website with more specifications on the settings. The overview is "Rain, Thunder".
@Wheats This might be the case. We are starting to see Ice Pellets in our forecast.
I don’t know why these rounded symbols are not displayed on my screen (w/Safari browser) where the weather picker shows Ice pellets . But they are shown in the mobile app (iPad).While the Precipitation type layer shows Ice pellets. But the color legend does not mention them. Probably because space is missing ?
Only the Color scale setting includes this color with a legend.
@idefix37 Hmm. I am also on Safari (Mac) with pretty much default settings. I am not sure why they would not show up for you as well. At least I know now that they are snow pellets thanks to your screen captures. Windy is great, but so complex. I feel like I am just scratching the surface. Thank you for all the help!
@livtiger I'm sure you meant to write ice pellets but I wanted to make sure you knew ice pellets and snow pellets are different.
- Ice pellets are essentially frozen raindrops that hit the surface. (balls of ice, not hail)
- Snow pellets are like tiny very lightly-packed snowballs that hit the surface (fairly brittle and break apart)
@Wheats Right. I meant ice pellets.