Hey! Where's my Goat??!!! I want my Goat!!!
I rarely use the speed control on the map playback, but it's useful to see how things like the arctic blast is going to flatten us here in Texas over the course of a few days. (Similarly useful, I imagine for those under a greater threat of hurricanes...)
Imagine my surprise when the Goat has vanished - and taken the Turtle, and the Rabbit with him! Seriously, these are useful controls - please bring them back! And sack whoever is responsible for removing it - or at least ensure that they are bitten by a moose! (Oblig. Monty Python ref...)
As far as I remember, the setting of the scrolling speed on the screen has never been available for the different forecast layers. This setting (turtle, rabbit, goat) is only available with the Radar view and it has always been this way. -
@idefix37 Ahh, OK, I guess I just thought it worked everywhere. That makes sense. To be fair, I don't try to use the timeline for anything other than radar all that often. Glad the goat's not gone...