When I go to the Windy site, there is a pop up for anonymous analytics. Nothing wrong with that, but it happens every time, every day, and I can't log in until I accept them. It should be a one and done thing. It is just annoying.
@Wylie5525 Hi, may I ask what browser do you use?
@Suty I am using Edge.
@Wylie5525 Do you have this issue in any other browsers?
@Suty It is doing the same when I use Firefox. I accept so the pop-up goes away and I can login, then when I logout, it reappears. If I close either browser, the popup returns when I go back to this site.
@Wylie5525 Do you use any addons in these browsers, that could possibly delete cache in the browser? It looks like the popup consent is deleted in every session you visit.
@Suty I am not tech-savy, so where would I look for the add-ons and what would I look for?
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