Allow for Multiple Custom Colour Scales
There should be a way for you to be able to switch between custom made colour scales.
This would be useful (for me, at least) as I would be able to change between temperature colour scales when travelling between countries, or when seasons change. This is because, during the summer, 15ºC may feel cool, so I might consider it being a lime green colour, but when winter rolls around, 15ºC would be yellow-orange to me. Furthermore, as I travel between countries, and use Windy to look around my local area, my original colour scale may not reflect my new acclimatised perception of temperature. In addition, I like to have multiple colour scales when looking at different things. For instance, when looking at surface wind vs. jet stream level wind. The jet stream wind is somewhat jarring with many colour schemes as 250km/h+ winds should look very extreme (but when it's so widespread, it's hard to distinguish it from 100-150km/h winds).
A workaround for this (without an added feature) is the ability to log out and into a new Windy account, but this is somewhat inconvenient, and others may benefit with the added accessibility that this new feature could add.
Of course, this is just a minor suggestion, but I would really enjoy it and I would save a lot of time.