"This version of Windy.com App is obsolete and will stop working soon"
Dear team at Windy,
around mid of last year you introduced a new concept for the UI. A major concern of many users is the new concept for the location picker. Myself and many other users gave you lots of feedback on this. In particular I documented some ideas, how very small changes to the location picker can significantly improve the efficiency and the user experience.
Since I cannot efficiently work with the current version of the location picker concept to analyze wind forecasts as a semi-professional sailor, I installed a version just from before the major UI change (v38.1.5).
Since soon I will start on a trip where I need this app, today I had a look for some forecasts and opened Windy v38.1.5.
Opening the app I got shocked by a message that says "This version of Windy.com App is obsolete and will stop working soon. Please update ...".
Are you serious about this? Please tell me, that this is not true.
Hello @Ftjwinfs, may I ask where you downloaded the old version?
Hi Ondrej, the version v38.1.5 is from apkmirror.
@Ftjwinfs We can't and don't support any other versions out of Google Play. If you want to get proper version of Windy, you need to download the official version from this store.
I have a proper version, which is v38.1.5. It works perfectly fine since it has the old UI. The new version is not "proper".
I understand, that you cannot assure, that old versions will work forever, since your API may change. This is totally fine and completely understandable. But actively suppressing older versions is like slapping your customers in the face.
I'm perfectly happy with paying for your services and using the older app with the better UI.
To be blunt, it feels a bit like a strong slap in the face: First, the UI is degraded in terms of user interaction of efficiency (see my and others users various reports in other posts). And now I am warned that soon the older version with be deactivated.
This can not be meant seriously.