Login not possible, Login Icons unclickable
Win 11 (64x) latest.
Firefox Latest.
All Over Map float items are simply transparent. Log Icon or widget is unclickable.
Sign in only possible through calling a Browser Sign-in page Address.
Than you for your work.
Kind Regards -
Hello @FileasFogg, this can occur when you use certain adblock tool in your browser. That tool blocks our analytics consent window and then the app is unusable. Can you please check that on your end?
@Suty sorry for late reply. Well, worked before and it is now working again.
I wish people works stop relying on the silly analytics. We are all entitled to privacy. That includes not being plastered with unwanted ads.
Been fighting this since the dawn of the Web. When I need something I research it and choose what I need. All the rest is a form of money making dictatorship.
Sorry for the rethoric. I am sure you don't like ads.
Hey.. Tesla does not advertise. But sells cars and other products. There are other methods.
I would not buy a Tesla anyway.