List of Finished Windy Plugins (v42+)
@francescogola Hi, for me to publish your plugin I will need access to your source code. If you don't want to make your repo public you can make it available just to me
@David-Ryzec-3 Hi David! I see that it's already public. Don't you see it like that? Thanks!
@francescogola Hi, I have published your plugin
@David-Ryzec-3 Thank you!!
@David-Ryzec-3 Hi, I've released a new version of Light Pollution Atlas Overlay plugin, which is already listed in the Windy Plugins. I would like to update the listed version in Windy as well. Could you please help update the URL? Thanks :)
@Xutao-Guo Hi, I have published version 0.2.0 of Light Pollution Atlas Overlay
- I know you use the middle column (temperature) of Appleman Chart as a cut-off value for contrail formation.
The other two temperatures have to do with r.h.?
e.g. here ...
... at 30000ft we could have contrails if the r.h. was 100?
(at 30000ft temp. forecast -40 < -39 at right column).- In the last line of Prediction analysis part 2 you say:
"The next page will .....".
I look forward for ...part 3 :)
- I know you use the middle column (temperature) of Appleman Chart as a cut-off value for contrail formation.
hello, I would like to publish the following plugin :
Hello Kevin,
Is it a boat tracker for the Vendée Globe ? That would be very nice.
You’ll surely get a reply tomorrow. -
@idefix37 yes, that's exactly it. I made a plugin in 2020 which had had quite some visits, trying to adapt it to the new svelte way of doing things
That’s great !
There is a large interest in Windy about Vendée Globe tracking -
@kbsali Hi, can you provide link to your plugin repository? We need to check your code for security reasons.
Hi @David-Ryzec-3
I was hoping to keep it private for now. I can invite you if you give your github handle. -
@kbsali My handle is
@kbsali Hi, I have publish version 1.0.2 of Vendée Globe 2024 tracker plugin
I'm trying to do a plugin to have the gps position from a com port of the computer for big vessels. I have a issue regarding the publication of my plugin... the link is :
Thank you for your help,
Best regards,
Hopefully you will get a reply soon from a developer.
I guess your plugin would solve the question of this user and of any mariner / seafarer. -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
Hi, any news about your plugin ? -
Hi ! Thank you for your answers ! No news for me…