List of Finished Windy Plugins (v42+)
Do you want to publish your new plugin? Let us know here in this thread ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»
Unfortunately we do not have any GUI for plugin submission.
Just shout out URL of your plugin and we will make the rest
I ivo pinned this topic on
Hi, does the Polar PlugIn stil work? I imported it but do net get it working. What do I miss? Thx.
Hi there,
I have created a plugin that analyses atmospheric conditions and calculates whether an aircraft would create contrails at a given location. I have attached a screenshot.
The latest version this please be considered for official inclusion?
@Mortimer-Cat Hi there, we can check and approve your plugin, so it will be added in the plugin section, is that what you want?
@Suty I would love that to happen, thank you.
@Mortimer-Cat Hi, you have
in pluginConfig set totrue
, can you please remove that property and release the new version, so we can publish the plugin? -
Thank you.
I have set private to true, version to 1.0.0 and actioned..
@Mortimer-Cat Hello, I have published your plugin. You are just missing a screenshot in src folder, so can you please add it?
@David-Ryzec-3 Thank you, I'll upload a screenshot now
Would it be possible to change the author's name to "Ioana Logafatu" as per the pluginConfig.ts
MortimerCat is my business name, but the plugin in was a personal project.
@David-Ryzec-3 Do I need to tell you I have updated the version? -
@Mortimer-Cat You do need, you can use the slack
channel for that -
@Mortimer-Cat Hello, we display immutable community username (not full name or author from the pluginConfig) in the list of plugins. If you'd like to publish your plugin under a different name, it's only possible by creating a separate account for this.
@jorgef I would like to publish under this name, please.
(I'll confirm that under my other account in a minute)
@IoanaLogafatu I confirm this is me.
@IoanaLogafatu The new plugin needs to be published with an API key for your new account. This will create a URL containing your new user ID.
@jorgef Sorry, I'll get there in the end!
My newly published plugin URL -
Thank you very much Ioana for providing this tool.
Please give us some "technical" details for contrail finder:- Do you use the Schmidt-Appleman criterion or any other method?
- What's the meaning of the colours used on "detailed analysis"?
- Is it compatible with other models (exept ECMWF) ?
- Is there any definition on terms used? (especially "long" and "persistent" contrails).
Once again I want to thank you for this valuable tool!
I've updated the Flymet plugin and published. Please review and approve.
@Gkikas-LGPZ Yes, it uses Schmidt-Appleman chart criteria; the colours indicate where the flight level falls. We are working on writing the live documentation to explain the colours and numbers in more detail, and we aim to have that done by the weekend.
It runs on whichever model the user has selected. During our testing, the results appeared to be consistent between the models. However, over the last 24 hours, ECMWF and UKV have been significantly different. So, this is something we are looking into.
Persistent contrails linger in the air, slowly spreading and forming cirrus-like clouds. (Cirrus homogenitus) There is a definable temperature, pressure and humidity when the ice crystals in a contrail can no longer sublimate and remain floating in the air.
We will define the definitions properly in our soon-to-be-published documentation. Now we are getting some worldwide feedback, we will probably have to make the descriptions a bit more vague - Long contrails - possibly persistent) to allow for model inaccuracies.
Thank you for answering all of my questions in such a short time!