Imagem defeituosa
Porque no mapa "Alerta de Clima" sempre aparece essas imagens quadriculadas que não fazem parte do alerta emitido pelo governo? Essa anomalia já persiste há vários meses e não desaparece.! As vezes parece que voltou ao normal depois de algum tempo volta com o mesmo problema.
@Simoneto-J Hi, can you pleas specify the location that you mean exactly? I am not sure if I understand the issue from the translation.
I guess this user find the geometrical shapes of the orange areas unrealistic and unlikely. Indeed this seems very strange as part of the orange area is smoothed and the yellow one too. -
Hello @Simoneto-J, thank you for reporting this, it really seems strange, we will inspect it. Usually we get the polygon shape from the source, I guess it is the case for South America too...
Yes, but why these square areas which are supposed to be from Brazil warnings are also present in Columbia, Peru, Surinam, Guyana…? -
@Suty Essas áreas em xadrez (quadradas) aparecem além da América do Sul em outras partes do mundo também. As vezes desaparece e nesse momento voltou o problema.
Sorry, I see that these areas are not from National Institute for Meteorology of Brazil but from Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System. They are provided as polygons :
@idefix37 @Simoneto-J we are sourcing the alerts from As you can see on their website, "our" areas correspond to what they release. Do you think these alerts are irrelevant? What we should work on is the area description.
@kekert Achei que seria um bug no site ou aplicativo, mas não é culpa do Windy. Agradeço o retorno e parabéns a equipe pelo melhor aplicativo de todos!👍