The radar wobbles
@idefix37 I think he is not talking about future radar. I agree that the new interpolation on the past radar makes it innacurate. At least, we need an option to disable the interpolation for the white line. The new future radar, is not usefull for me, but I understand that many users requested these feature and its OK.
So he just need to click on the white part of the timeline.
By the way it is extrapolation not interpolation. -
@idefix37 This extrapolation makes the radar wobble, the radar should be frame by frame, not extrapolate all the frames. Again im talking about the white part of the timeline not the red part.
OK I see what you mean, in the white part of the timeline, the picture makes short stops and returns, specially at the end the radar loop. I compared it with the mobile app which does not yet show the extrapolation phase. There are also some stops but it seems smoother.
I don’t know if on the browser version having this wobble issue it is due to the extrapolation calculation for the “predicted” phase. -
Hi, we still work on this updated radar, however, there is an issue with data we get from the source. For an explanation, their shots are doubled because of worse synchronization of radars in this area. We will discuss possible adjustments with the product team next week.
To be clear, I'm not talking about the future radar forecast here. (Although I did complain about that in another thread.)
I'm talking about the regular "past" radar. It never used to wobble around like it is now, and can be seen in the above video.
I really hope the programmers can implement an option to turn off this "future radar" Honestly it is not an improvement at all and as other have said it makes the whole process painful to use. Surely it cant be that difficult to disable this.
PLEASE just get rid of the future radar. It is incredibly inaccurate to start with. It has ruined the Bureau of Meteorology app and is the reason I use Windy more often now. If you have to keep it, at least make an option to toggle it on/off. PLEASE!
@robembury We will change the default start of the animation, so if you hit the play button, observed data will be played. However, there won't be any possibility to completely turn off this forecast.
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@Suty Thank you, that will certainly help. We have had very severe storms here in NSW Australia the last few days and the existing "slider" has been a total pain.
Hopefully the algorithm that controls this prediction will improve, is it an output from an LLM ?
I tried it this afternoon in the midst of a severe thunderstorm outbreak and it seems to be better than it was several days back. Also the juddering of the live (current ) radar had improved, so I live in hope :) -
This is still happening. The regular past radar (not the future forecast) is wobbling and sliding around the map.
Yup, not a fan. Don't like how it works, don't like what it does.
The movement predictions can also be wrong by up to 45 deg for storms and squalls.
Plus, it degrades the actual radar animation. Not worth having.
Also: Currently, I have low-level NE onshore showers (that are developing into rain-bands), plus a monsoonal flow around a Low, bringing mid-level showers down from the NNW, over the top of them.
They cross each other at about 90 degrees, and at a similar movement speed.
So the prediction algorithm just spits the difference between them, and predicts they'll all move SSW!
No, none of these showers move SSW! They of course continue on their original headings. So this prediction is quite useless to me, it just averages the NET movement vector, rather than predicting movement and speeds of individual features, based on past movement and speed.
Plus it plays that 'prediction' first, instead of the logged data animation, which is actually predicatively very useful.
It's not a good feature.
@DavidGA We are already preparing the solution for this issue, I hope it will be out soon.
@Sinewave1 We are still getting the feedback and we will try to do our best to optimize the behavior.
@Sinewave1 We already released updated version, however, please let us know if you see anything strange.
Yes, thank you, the animation is working properly again without jerking around, and is playing the data animation first once more. Which is fine and useful once again.
Though, the movement projection remains the same.
That's ok, I won't use the future movement option until a better movement prediction algorithm is developed (if possible).
Before the next release, just click on the white part of the timeline. Did you look at the @Suty’s post here above ?
@idefix37 I think the same with @Sinewave1 . In the tab "Create Animation" there isn't an option to record the future radar or not. Could we have a button to only record the past radar or record past+future radar?