Recent Changes 2024
Very much like the new rain radar prediction idea but would prefer it wasn't 2 separate progress/display sections. Just one would be good. Works well on our Aus BoM App.
Don't like that it can't remember my zoom level from session to session as it always did before.
@jeremy-au I agree with the past/future radar prediction to flow as one continues animation.
Also adding a trigger to separate the two radar layers would be a great addition.
Ah, was just gona post the same. Love the new forcast model, but I wish there was a tickoff box below at least that you could choose "Forcast'
Not that it matters but I completely disagree with this.
Keep them separate please. Radar is actual REAL data. Please keep reported data and forecasted data separate. Enable the user to decide to allow them to combine into one continuous animation. -
@jeremy-au I would like to have an option to disable the forecast of this radar - I prefer to do this forecast by myself looking on the history but not what any model say. I don't like that by default a click on the play button cycles on forecast only!!! Please let me be able easily to see the history without clicking on bars, buttons etc... for example put another timeline for forecasts for the ones who needs it, but don't destroy one of the best features of windy..
See what @Suty said:
The observed radar data, what you call history, will be the default timeline. -
I'm really frustrated by the new combined radar and its bad enough that I'm considering a different weather site all together.
The fact that it defaults to future cast is awful - every time I want to look at the radar loop I have to now manually re-wind the slider so I can see it and thats an awful UX
If people like futurecast, cool - make it something you can opt into, not the default.
@MiltonFreedMan see @idefix37's post right above yours.
Please make the future prediction part of timeline on radar be a separate option than the past and realtime part! It's just terrible now how it works, and realtime data gets missed if I don't hit the right part of the play line or overshoot the meridian line! Thank you.
To add another voice: I also think, that reports and forecasts need to be strictly separated for radar. I know from other weather apps,that if I focus on the radar image, it is not obvious when the report stops and when the forecast starts in the radar movie. To see this, I always have to look at the timeline. When I want to loop the report, I always need to manually revert to the beginning to prevent the movie to also show the "forecast". This is really annoying.
I am not in any way interested in a spooky, computed forecast of a radar image. I want to see only the report.
Please separate radar report/forecast or introduce an option, that the radar movie stop at the end of the report.
Now when you press the play button, you get the real radar loop. Not the extrapolated prediction.
So reports and forecasts are strictly separated and you see only the reports if you don’t touch the red timeline.
I don’t understand your concerns.