Need API for UKV
Hi so I am testing and using the the Trial API for but this doesn't allow me to use the UKV model is there a way to get it specifically for UKV ?
@NabilR Hi, at this moment, there are no plans to implement this in our API. I am sorry about it.
Thanks Suty for coming back to me, will there be anyway to do this or will there be a way to manipulate this. Or do you know which one is the best to use for UK weather warnings matching the MET office ?
@NabilR I would recommend local models available for certain locations of UK, however, it depends on your location. AROME and ICON-D2 are available models for part of this area.
@Suty How can we get them or try these and Is it like London, or England/Wales, or what is meant by this ?
Would you be able to speak to me and my colleagues on a teams call so we can let you know what we require and if the APIs purchase will be sufficient. If so I am keen to get this booked in asap.
This would be a valuable asset as the UK model and the European model differ which causes conflict in reporting the UK weather.
Is there someone in your customer accounts team maybe who would be willing to speak with us to help with mutually understanding requirements/ what is already available -
@Suty I also work with NabilR.
@JustWeb At this moment, we support fully automated purchase of our WindyAPI, so we don't provide any account managers or anyone else, regarding to this topic.