Request for Cancellation and Refund of my Windy Premium annual subscription
I subscribe your service under this account.But I forgot to cancel my Windy Premium annual prescription and noticed today that an automatic payment has been made from my card. I want to ask you, if it’s possible to refund me? I purchased premium account today on 8/20/2024.
Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day!
@Suty Hello, I would like to cancel my subscription and get a refund money. It did not meet my expectations. I have it since yesterday, will it be possible please? Thank you in advance for your willingness.
Dobrý den, chtěl bych zrušit svoje předplatné a vrátit peníze. Nesplnilo mé očekávání. Mám ho od včera, bude to prosím možné? Děkuji předem za ochotu.
@Suty, if the model Arome 1.3km not be insert in App, I need to close my subscription annual.
Hi, Arome 1.3 will be back in the next update. Check the post:
Dobrý den, vaše předplatné bylo refundováno přes FastSpring, kde jste provedla platbu. Hezký den
Dobrý den, jelikož jste platila přes své Apple ID, tak platbu zpracovává Apple. Zažádejte si o vrácení platby zde:
O vrácení rozhoduje Apple, ale neměl by s tím mít problém, jelikož jste si zažádala v rámci 14 dnů od platby. Hezký den.
I wanted to share my experience and ask for a refund as well. It took me a while to figure out how to request it, but I'm finally here.
Thank you all in advance for your help and support!
Warm regards,
Giulio -
Hello, can I please cancel my windy subscription? I tried windy for a trip, and I don’t need it outside the trip and was charged 5 minutes ago, thought I have till 23:59 to cancel… Thank you in advance!
Regretfully, I forgot to cancel my Windy Premium annual subscription before the end of the trial period and noticed today that an automatic payment has been deducted from my credit card.While I value your services highly, during this period, I am unable to continue the subscription.
I would like to have get a refund for the premium account that I purchased today on 09/03/2024.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and assistance.
Hi, dear Windy Administrators and Customer Service.
I want to cancel my Windy Premium annual subscription and get a refund for the premium account.
I purchase on 9/2/2024. I send an email but didn't respond.
Thank you.
A. Monroy