Thermal wind
with Premium we have the the ECMWF model.Can this model take into account thermal winds in its forecasts where a spot is mostly swept by thermal winds?
What type of thermal wind are you talking about? Can you specify the location? -
Yes, it seems there are thermal winds in your area. They are a combination of sea breeze and mountain breeze. During the day, the land is heated, the air rises. You probably see cumulus clouds over the mountains. On the sea the cold air sink and that create a loop with a breeze in the afternoon from the sea to the land. You can see that there are light breezes each afternoon on these days as shown by ECMWF model and probably more obviously by ICON. Here with my customized color scale in North of Paracas where the phenomenon looks more obvious. (Timeline is Europe time)
It is confirmed by the Thermal layer