No 10 day forecast
Premier user. Directions on getting 10 day forecast do not work. Under Basic only options are 1 hour and 3 hour. ECWMF model. There are only 2 posts about this and they are a couple of years old. Help needed.
You do not seem to be Premium user as there is no Premium badge next to you user name here.
Or do you log in with different accounts in the forum and in the app ? -
I log in with Apple for the app. I have a separate account for the forum.
Yes I see the premium badge in the windy app
This is strange. Hopefully next week someone from the Windy team will help you.
@idefix37 How can I contact the windy team? I really need the 10 day to plan for the solar eclipse.
@idefix37 Actually found the 10 day. Completely different directions from the Windy documentation. Just get the regular forecast and there is a button at the end for 11 day forecast. It would surely be nice if they kept the documents up to date.