Changing the altitude level in v42
When I'm preparing a flight, I like to look at the sounding and the wind layer.
If I want to change the altitude when the sounding plugin is opened, it will close the plugin to display the main menu on the right instead of the plugin where the altitude progress bar is located. So after changing the altitude I have to open the plugin again.
It would be nice if the the altitude selection could be an inline progress bar which would show when clicking the altitude button without closing the plugin pane.
Thanks for considering that !
@vicb I am aware of this issue and will discuss it tomorrow with colleagues.
This is being taken of care of, see this post for more details.
Thanks again to the windy team, you're doing an awesome work!
V vicb referenced this topic on
@vicb UPDATE: We have been already testing the new update with changed altitude slider. So it should be released in upcoming days.
@Suty The new altitude slider looks exactly how I was imagining 🥰
Thank you so much for taking users feedback into account!