The UI is messed up
A few days ago the UI became completely different and not usable. Weird icons etc. What happened?
@wirelessenabled have you been offgrid? welcome to the realworld ...a bitter feud fought over the right to choose among windy users, a descending breed the last few days due to a marshal law set by the managment to play balls instead of pictograms in the menuline, a quarrel that cant be measured cause the altitude slider on the map is gone...
Absolute Katastrophe, Analphabeten dürften an den ICONS ihre Freude haben, aber wer semiprofessionell oder professionell analysiert, völlig unbrauchbar und fehlende Kombinationen, wenig nützliche Kartendarstellung (Nullgradgrenze, Luftmassen).
Bitte Features ändern oder Wahlmöglichkeit bieten.
Herzlichen Dank.
Abonnent Daniel Gmür