Sounding forecast 'model elevation' disappeared
In version 42, elevation and model elevation are missing from the sounding forecast, at least on mobile devices. This feature is very important and helps me determine whether the model predictions at a point are reliable, especially in mountainous areas! Assuming the actual altitude of a point is 100m, and one of the models has an model elevation of 400m, I can know from it that all predictions of this model on this point are based on the assumption that the ground is 400m, without relying too much on its temperature prediction. The actual temperature is higher than the predicted temperature. And all of this is based on the simultaneous display of elevation and model elevation, which was present in the old version but not in the new version. The new version allows scrolling the timeline to view the sounding forecast, which is a great feature, but at the same time, I also hope not to remove the equally important feature of model elevation. Adding a line under TCON CCL LCL should not be a difficult task, and viewing the sounding forecast is usually done by professionals. Therefore, we hope that Windy can add this feature to mobile devices.
@chzhh Hi there, we still offer the old version of mobile UI in our mobile apps, so can you please provide a screenshot of what you exactly mean there?
@Suty I am aware that the latest version of the mobile app is still 41.2.3, but when I open in the mobile browser, I can see the new UI of 42.0.1. In this UI, the elevation and model elevation in the sounding forecast are missing. Although the new version of the mobile app has not been launched yet, it is also fast, and I don't want this already good feature to be deleted.
@chzhh Hello, this is oversight on our part and will be fixed in next update. Thanks for reporting.
@David-Ryzec-3 Thank you very much to the Windy team! I use Windy every day, it is a part of my life, and I also recommend it to my friends. Windy is very suitable for both meteorological professionals and the general public.